(636) 391-8560 • info@missiongateministry.org
(636) 391-8560 • info@missiongateministry.org
The children of prison inmates, ex-offenders, and people struggling with addiction often miss not only a parent at Christmas, but also Christmas gifts.
Our Christmas Angel Mission ministers to these children by hosting Christmas parties and providing gifts for the children.
We could not operate this special ministry for children without our volunteers from churches, businesses, and individual families.
*Mission Gate is not affiliated with Prison Fellowship Angel Tree or Salvation Army Angel Tree.
You can set up a tree in your church and invite everyone's participation.
Choose Option A or Option B
Option A
Option B
Retail stores can set up a Christmas tree in a visible spot.
We match your family with a family in need.
Option A
Option B
Mission Gate's Christmas Angel Mission
is not affiliated with
The Salvation Army's Tree of Lights or
Prison Fellowship Ministry's Angel Tree Program
Mission Gate Ministry
Mission Gate Ministry PO Box 6644 Chesterfield, MO 63006 US