(636) 391-8560 • info@missiongateministry.org
Turning lives from crime to Christ since 1985
Our road to recovery from crime and addiction

(636) 391-8560 • info@missiongateministry.org
Our road to recovery from crime and addiction
We welcome you to join us for a lunch that you will remember. From a new menu being served to testimonies that will leave you knowing our Lord is real and moving.
Noon- 1: 30p.m.
1050 Des Peres
Des Peres, MO 63131
Call Reyna at 636-391-8560 to reserve your spot.
Mission Gate is the last chance for many men and women coming out of prison or rehabilitation to create a new healthy and meaningful life.
Our residents work, study, and diligently prepare for a new way of life as a child of God. Every year more than 300 men, women, and families step out from the dark shadow of prison or addiction and into a future filled with hope and opportunity.
Step through the Mission Gate with us.
Our staff and volunteers take the Gospel into Missouri prisons and jails.
They share the Gospel, teach strategies for right living, and help inmates break the chains of crime.
What a privilege it is to see ex-prisoners' eyes light up when they see a ray of hope. Change becomes believable. Life becomes manageable. Living life fully becomes a reality.
Our program gives many desperate men and women their last chance to change.
After 9 months of intensive work, these same individuals stand tall and strong at graduation. They're ready to rejoin their families and contribute to their places of work, churches, and communities.
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Local churches and communities are an important part of our recovery program.
Churches welcome our men and women as contributing members of the congregation, helping them put their spiritual gifts to work.
Many local employers prefer to hire from Mission Gate because of our residents' positive attitudes, excellent work attendance, and job performance with no worry about drugs or alcohol.
Mission Gate is so excited to announce the prisons are opening up. Our staff and volunteers are gearing up to go spread the gospel and give hope to those we serve.
Trish Mathes, co-founder of Mission Gate and our Executive Aftercare Director was blessed recently getting to go into Fulton Community Supervision Center, which is the first of its kind in the state. She got to share the hope, love, joy and restoration that comes from our Lord, letting them know that Mission Gate was here to help them along that journey.
"I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me."
-Matthew 25:36
If you would like to volunteer to join us, please feel free to email us at info@missiongateministry.org or call us at (636)391-8560
Mission Gate is both an in-prison ministry and a residential aftercare program for men and women recently released from prisons, jails, or rehabilitation facilities.
*Accredited by National Alliance for Recovery
*Member of Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers: Missouri Recovery Lifeline
Mission Gate Ministry
Mission Gate Ministry PO Box 6644 Chesterfield, MO 63006 US